Il Castello delle Parole

by Flick Lab


14.99 usd

The Castle of Words is an app to help children to reflect on the language and to take its first steps towards learning of reading and writing.The app is aimed at families and children, speech therapists, teachers and all the specialists of the educational and therapeutic developmental sector.L app has three levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium and Hard. For each degree of difficulty there are 8 levels, containing exercises aimed at improvement of metafonologiche skills. The acquisition of these skills helps the learning of reading and writing in children with normal development or speech impaired.The theme of the game is the magic, the magician Flick guide the baby all the way into the castle, a series of exercises and small game until the final mission: to lull the fire-breathing dragon who wants to destroy the castle. Eventually, the child after defeating the dragon will become the king of the castle.The mission-based gameplay, eye-catching graphics and prizes are all factors that increase childrens motivation in their learning path.The difficulty varies according to:-PRODUCT of stimuli: words and pictures, just words, just pictures-complessità task: multiple choice, puzzle, train of words-length and syllabic complexity of the stimuli-immaginabilità and frequency of stimuliPresence of semantic and phonological distractorsThe choice of the stimuli was carried out by the speech therapists, according to the study of existing manuals and the material used in clinical practice.Change the level or degree of difficulty is always easily possible through the map of the levels. The child has 3 chances to answer correctly, two of which are for self-correct, the third error Flick the wizard provides the suggestion.Complete each level is provided feedback both for the child and for the adult.It has been possible thanks to a trial evaluating the efficacy and clinical utility of this tool.